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Whatapp hijacking/Hacking

Taking over  someone else Whatapp contacts and groups by 419 - fraud stars

The main method adopted by majority of the fraud stars is direct phone call and request that you dictate  an sms sent to your phone to..

They introduced themselves as man of... or an admin of a WhatsApp group that you belong to
With different type story to support their lies

As you are dictating the code sent to your SMS inbox to them, instantly the satanic impostor is typing and your WhatsApp identity is transferred to his own phone

Their second mission is to start soliciting for financial help,
Sometimes they introduced mmm or if the original owner is admin, then chatting members up to prey on them...

Way out
Two way verification by WhatsApp?

Any phone call from known or an unknown
Pastor or Admin
Friends or Family

Requesting that you dictate some numbers or code or letters etc from your sms inbox

Just *drop the call and block the number* forever

Escalate the phone number to a lawful admin of your group

The issue of sms code dictation fraud is not limited to WhatsApp only

But also.... in

Online's shopping

Bank transfers

Email change of password alert

App and Web application password change

General security alert

Using sms code generator

Be warned